Ghost Of Me is Darwin-based group Tapestry’s follow up to their debut EP Growth , and showcases the band maturing and improving on that release. The restraint shown throughout this release in terms of songwriting is perhaps the biggest strength to be found; such a willingness to let songs breathe allows tracks like “Dark Shade” to really stand out as a highlight of the EP. There is an abundance of super-compressed clean guitars (a production choice that you’ll either not mind or be constantly annoyed by), pained screams and surprisingly effective clean vocals, all of which aren’t exactly game-changers for a genre that often feels like it has given everything it has to offer, but amount to only a little more than the sum of its parts. “Ghost” is perhaps the most generic track on this release, and could perhaps do with a little more ebb and flow between sections to make it really stand out – for the most part it is your standard melodic hardcore scream-fest without a wh...
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