The Contortionist are no longer the band they were when they started. From kids from Indianapolis writing "djent" (I hate that word) music from Indianapolis, they have grown and changed into something that has been distilled into Clairvoyant , and is nothing short of spectacular. Like, holy shit. 2014's Language saw them transition into something really worth taking notice of, and is a challenging piece of work regardless of what you think of that side of "heavy" music (although I would in no way categorise Language as simply a heavy record, it is so much more than that.), and with Clairvoyant the band have almost entirely shed their metal roots in favour of the prog rock sound they had shades of on Language . It really sounds like a band coming into their own; before this change they sounded like most of the other "djent" bands chugging away at their 7 string guitars with some twiddly stuff thrown in, now they are a group of musicians composing inc...
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