The internet is a wonderful thing. It really is. With mobile devices we have instant access to any information that we need, and anyone with a keyboard (hey, like me!) can voice their opinions to the rest of the internet completely unfiltered and unregulated. I find it endlessly fascinating and equally as worrying, then, that while theoretically the world is becoming more and more connected every passing day, isolation and loneliness seem to be inescapable parts of the modern human experience. This is one of the key ideas to take into consideration, I think, when trying to unpack the baffling, skeletal and icy classic fourth album by Radiohead, Kid A . More than enough has been said and written about the state of frustration and exhaustion Thom Yorke was experiencing at the end of the twentieth century as a result of the massive success of Radiohead, particularly the equally as classic OK Computer . For those who don't know and need to b...
Discussions about all things film, books and music.