This is the first in what will hopefully be a new series called "What's The Deal With", where I do retrospective reviews on movies, books and music that I think are interesting and have things about them that are worth talking about in more detail. This gives me a bit more freedom to talk a bit about some of my favourite media outside of the new releases, although I will definitely still be doing that too. So, what's the deal with Annihilation ? Annihilation is the second feature film from writer director Alex Garland, who not only previously brought us Ex Machina , one of the better science fiction films of the decade, but has also left his mark as purely a writer with work such as his novel The Beach , and films like 28 Days Later, Never Let Me Go and Sunshine. It feel slightly strange saying that Annihilation is only his second feature as director, given how big his influence already is in the world of film, and that says something about the power he has behin...
Discussions about all things film, books and music.